Saturday, February 12, 2011

The Gallery is your friend, literally.

Internet based social media platforms started off as another way for people to keep in contact that was more fluid and easier to use than email. Very soon after business owners realised the value of anthropomorphising their businesses and listing them online with a profile as though they were a human entity. Theres obvious benefits such as added exposure, its inexpensive (or in most cases free), and as an online form of word of mouth, anything that a customer or fan of a business or organisation listed online is seen by all their 'friends'. The last point however is a double edged sword because if a business has delivered a poor product or service, customers with smart phones can instantaneously shame you to up their immediate friendship circle (a maximum of 5000 on Facebook) and if the comment or post is public, its able to be seen and searched by anyone with an internet connection, which makes businesses more accountable than ever.

Beechworth Bakery's service is obscenely questionable: WTF

Art Gallerys are quickly jumping on the bandwagon. Yesterday, the National Gallery of Victoria was all smiles because they hit 7000 fans and posted thankyous and a link to an equally bright artwork (one from their own collection).

This is progress. I like being able to view different gallerys profiles so easily, checking events, timings for performances, lectures or openings, is easier than clicking through a bunch of hyperlinks on a website. Its more humanising and descriptively comparable to 'having a conversation', as opposed to checking a timetable or schedule.


santina amato said...

How fresh that you didn't end on a negative Ace. I always assume the worst when reading an article about our current social media explosion. Love to ya!

Ace said...

Thanks Santina! I think social media is brilliant for keeping in touch and dropping a line every now and again is even easier and more natural than email. Peace.

Anonymous said...

Do you think that, as artists, having galleries on your FB is sometimes akin to the "Ack! My mum/pop/boss is on Facebook!" phenomena?

Ace said...

Simon: it can be a little bit like that occasionally. Sometimes I might post a sketch for a friend in advertising or architecture or something and it will be on facebook but I don't want galleries or curators etc to think that that example of 'artwork' is what I produce as an artist, as my own artwork (does that make sense? If not reason is that I have to sleep, tre tired). Good Night O'Carrigan.