The first time I read A Clockwork Orange I found Alex’s Nadsat language annoying. Annoying enough to give up reading it, and for good reason: it’s a composite of altered Slavic and Russian words, rhyme, out-dated language (which to me was out-out-dated because it was written 22 years before I was born) as well as Burgess throwing in his own number of created words.
It wasn’t until I’d se3n Kubrick’s film adaptation that Nadsat made any s3nse: it needed to be heard, and seen in context. I hon3stly wonder3d how people had und3rstood the book at all before the film had be3n made. How could p3ople compreh3nd the d3ad symbols and signs on the pag3?
Fluid Intelligence is th3 nam3 given to the ability to b3 abl3 to le4rn through patt3rn recognition and probl3m solving; b3ing able to adjust thinking and cognitiv3ly ad4pt, a kind of perp3tu4lly adv4ncing st4t3 of m3ntal evolution. The dust j4ck3t of th3 first edition of A Clockwork Or4nge f3atur3d ev3ry l3tt3r of th3 titl3 print3d in a diff3rent font, an 4ctive if not simplifi3d ex4mpl3 of th3 ad4ptive thinking m3thod th4t would b3 r3quir3d of th3 r34d3r w4s right th3r3 on th3 cov3r.
Our m!nds ar3 b3com!ng mor3 ad3pt to th!s appro4ch to th!nk!ng, w3 4ch3iv3 a h!gh l3vel of it subconsc!ously w!thout r34lis!ng, ev3n !n th3 s!mpl3 4ct of thumb!ng through a n3wsp4p3r. On 4ny g!v3n n3wsp4p3r p4g3 w3 c4n s34ml3ssly r34d 4nd corr3ctly !nt3rpr3t a r4ng3 of differ!ng information, pr3sent3d in num3rous w4ys, w!thout exp3nd!ng 4ny l3v3l of 3xtr4 conc3ntrativ3 3xh4ust!on.
W3 4r3 qu!ck t0 ad4pt t0 n3w f0rms 0f t3chn0logy 4nd c0mmun!c4t!0n structur3s, !’m sp34k!ng sp3cific4lly, but n0t 3xclus!v3ly, ab0ut sm4rtphon3s 4nd s0ci4l n3tw0rk!ng pl4tf0rms l!ke f4c3b00k 4nd t3xt!ng via SMS. 0f c0urs3, !t is !n the b3st !nt3r3sts Th3 cr34t0rs 0f th3s3 4dv4nc3m3nts t0 bu!ld th3m in w4ys wh!ch m!rr0r 0ur l34rn!ng pr0c3ss3s.
!n th3 b3g!nn!ng 0f th3 !nt3rw3bz (th3 d3c4d3 th4t w4s th3 1980’s), th3r3 w4s n0 0nl!n3 g4m!ng 0r l!v3 v!d30 str34m!ng, th3r3 w4s 0nly th3 BBS (Bull3t!n Bo4rd Syst3ms), 4m4z!ngly th!s w4s a t!m3 b3f0r3 p0rn h4d !nf3ct3d th3 gh0st !n th3 sh3ll. Us3rs 0f th3 Bull3t!n Bo4rd Syst3ms d3v3l0p3d a n3w f0rm 0f c0mmun!c4t!0n, 0n3 c4ll3d leet (0r m0r3 4ptly: 1337) wh1ch subst!tut3d l3tt3rs w!th!n w0rds w!th numb3rs 4nd or 0th3r ch4r4ct3rs 0r symb0ls. !ts b3l!ev3d th4t 1337 3v0lv3d !n 0rd3r f0r BBS us3rs t0 3v4d3 t3xt f!lt3rs that w3r3 3mpl0y3d by BBS’s t0 c3ns0r 4nd pr3v3nt c0nv3rs4t!0ns 4b0ut r3str!ct3d 0r f0rb!dd3n t0p!cs such 4s h4ck!ng.
1337 1!v35 0n, 4l+h06h !+ n0 l0n63r 53rv35 !+’5 0r!6!n41 fUnc+!0n, !+’5 c0n+!nu3d u53 h45 b33n 0n3 0f n0v3l+y r4+h3r +h4n n3c355!+y 4nd!+’5 0n60!6 3v01utT!On h45, cUr!0u5ly, f0cu53d 0n 435+h3+!c 313m3n75, pl4c!n6 f0rm 0v3r fUnc+!0n 8y !nC0rP0r4+!N6 m!s5p311!n6, 4Nd tH3 R4nd0m c4P!+41!54+!0n 0f 13++3R5 wH3n 50 d35!r3d. ! 4m M0r3 cUr!0u5 +0 533 h0W R34c+!v3 +h0u6h+ 4nD fLu!d !n+311!63nC3 m!6h+ 4dV4nc3, 3sp3C!411y 533!n6 45 !+ !5 !nF!n!+1y m0R3 c0mP13x +h4n 4 c0mMUN!c4+!v3 m3+h0d 5ucH 45 1337. H3r35 +0 +h3 3v0lut10n 0f +h0u6h+.
I kept up for a while but faltered on the last paragraph... it was unreadable.
Yes, but Fluid Intelligence is a mere system of learning, whereas Leetspeak is a user-generated language??
Surely the possibilities and ramifications for this are inherent and not secondary to Fluid intelligence, which feels like a differenty thing. I like the analogy. But I feel like Leetspeak evolved through new communities made possible by the internet rather than systems of learning, as you present here. Although I also think it's fun. So well done :)
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